The Charlie Bone series is written by a British author, Jenny Nimmo. This wonderful series is full of fantasy, adventure and magic. The main character of this series, Charlie Bone, is a boy who is a descendant of the Red King. The Red King is called so for he wore a scarlet cloak and his shield is emblazoned with a burning sun. The Red King is a marvelous magician and each of his ten children inherited a small part of his power. Following the sequence from the eldest to the youngest, his ten children were Borlath, Amadis, Lilith, Cafal, Olga, Guanhamara, Petrello, Tomeleo, Wyborn and Amoret. When the King's wife, Queen Berenice died, five of his children, Borlath, Lilith, Cafal, Olga and Wyborn turn to wickedness and the other five of his children fled the castle to escape from their evil siblings. The Red King felt broken-hearted so he vanished into the forests with grief. Just as how his ten children inherited a small part of his power, the powers of the Red King were passed down through his descendants too. Charlie Bone, a descendant of the Red King's youngest child, Amoret, has the power to hear people talking in photographs and pictures. He can also travel into them and meet them. Through his father, Charlie is descended from the Red King and through his mother, he is descended from Mathonwy, a Welsh magician and an old friend of the Red King. His two bloodlines made him quite a powerful person. His grandaunts are delighted with his talent so they enrolled him in Bloor's Academy, an art, music and drama school. Since he is a descendant of the Red King, the Bloors, a family always plotting into nasty surprises made sure all the young descendants of the Red King in their town are enrolled into their school so that they could keep an eye on them. Charlie found out that out there, there are such people or things like were-beasts, storm-bringers, clairvoyants, shape shifters, travelers like him, telekinesis, magnetism, illusionists, invisibility and many, many more! Together with his new friends, they try their very best to stop and prevent all the nasty things the Bloors tried to stir up or do. There are eight books altogether and they are...
Midnight For Charlie Bone
Charlie Bone And The Time Twister
Charlie Bone And The Blue Boa
Charlie Bone And The Castle Of Mirrors
Charlie Bone And The Hidden King
Charlie Bone And The Wilderness Wolf
Charlie Bone And The Shadow Of Badlock
Charlie Bone And The Red Knight
This is my collection of the Charlie Bone series but mine has a different front cover for the eighth book. Well, both type of the book covers are still great although it is different. It doesn't change the content in it. =)
The story is really amazing and it makes you feel like reading on and on to find out what happens next. It is really intriguing and the plot is very interesting, so is the unique story line. Plus, there is humor in it too. Last I checked, they are now selling the whole set in the bookstores of Malaysia now. So get your own Charlie Bone series now at a reasonable and affordable price. Be sure not to miss it!
Midnight For Charlie Bone
Charlie Bone And The Time Twister
Charlie Bone And The Blue Boa
Charlie Bone And The Castle Of Mirrors
Charlie Bone And The Hidden King
Charlie Bone And The Wilderness Wolf
Charlie Bone And The Shadow Of Badlock
Charlie Bone And The Red Knight
This is my collection of the Charlie Bone series but mine has a different front cover for the eighth book. Well, both type of the book covers are still great although it is different. It doesn't change the content in it. =)
The story is really amazing and it makes you feel like reading on and on to find out what happens next. It is really intriguing and the plot is very interesting, so is the unique story line. Plus, there is humor in it too. Last I checked, they are now selling the whole set in the bookstores of Malaysia now. So get your own Charlie Bone series now at a reasonable and affordable price. Be sure not to miss it!
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